Karsten Moholt AS expands to Stavanger – and rigs Moreld Moholt Group for growth!

Agile Rig & Modules AS merged with the parent company Karsten Moholt AS mid September.

The background for the merger is to streamline the company structure and the operational operations of the group in addition to the desire for a common front into the market, says CEO of Moholt Group Arne Hammer.

Agile Rig & Modules AS as legal entity will cease as a result of the merger, while the company’s focus and employment in Stavanger will continue as Karsten Moholt AS, Stavanger department. The acquiring company is the Bergen-based Karsten Moholt AS, which is now being established in Stavanger and will have a significant customer portfolio by looking at new market areas in addition to strengthening existing deliveries.

Karsten Moholt AS has a state-of-the-art workshop in Askøy with focus on lifetime extension of rotating equipment through smart maintenance and repairs, and has achieved Scandinavia’s highest certification in EX.

The planning for a supplementary workshop in Stavanger is already started where one will draw synergies from the expertise Karsten Moholt already possesses.

Karsten Moholt AS is part of the Moreld Moholt Group which consists of Karsten Moholt, Aquamarine, Teknisk Bureau and Teknor and represents Moreld’s division for life extension (the Life-cycle division).

The companies in Moreld are integrated into a group model to strengthen Moreld’s position as the customers’ preferred partner in the green shift.


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